Der Transatlantic Law Blog (TLB) der DAJV ist der digitale Nachfolger der Zeitschrift für Deutsches und Amerikanisches Recht (ZDAR).



Delaware Court of Chancery Tightens Duties of Corporate Officers

Under Delaware law, officers and directors are subject to the same fiduciary duties, including the duty of oversight. Thus, implementing information systems and reporting misconduct e.g. sexual harassment, are key responsibilities.


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LL.M. Stanford Law – Experience Report (Part 2) – “Everything I Tell You Is Wrong – Somewhere”

Nikolaus Schröder writes about his LL.M. studies at Stanford Law School as part of the LL.M. class of 2023 in an ongoing series.


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Acronyms, jurisdiction and transatlantic partnership— DAJV visits Kleber Barracks and Ramstein Air Base

Third time is a charm: all about visiting Ramstein Air Base, US Air Force and US Army at the Kaiserslautern Military Community.


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U.S. Economic Sanctions and their European Discontents

Controversial U.S. Trade Sanctions on their bumpy road to effectiveness in the EU. Is the Ukrainian Crisis a 'Game Changer'?


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Guns n‘ Greatness – Die DAJV zu Besuch auf der Ramstein Air Base

Court Martial, NATO-Truppenstatut und Boarding einer C-17 auf der Ramstein Air Base. "Ich habe mich gefühlt wie in einem Hollywood-Film!" (Vincent K.)


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In The Army Now – Exkursion zur US Air Base Ramstein & Rechtsabteilung der US Army

Looking back and looking forward: Exklusive Einblicke in den größten US-Luftstützpunkt Europas und unsere Reisepläne für Oktober 2021.


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