Contact persons USA
Our U.S. contacts support DAJV members with their concerns, such as planning a study visit, finding a suitable partner law firm, or corporate expansions.

Insa Blanke
Insa Blanke is the Executive Director of Loyola Chicago’s International LL.M. Programs. She joined the law school in March 2012 to launch the LLM Programs for International Lawyers at Loyola’s downtown campus in Chicago.

Dr. Christian Fischoeder

Daniel B. Koburger, LL.M.
Daniel B. Koburger, LL.M. is a licensed attorney in New York and Germany, founding Partner of KBL Roche, a DAJV Member since 2016, and Alumnus of Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, München, and Cardozo School of Law, New York. As founding Partner of the New York, Paris and Munich based full service boutique law firm KBL Roche, he counsels European, U.S. American, and international businesses and individuals active in ICT, entertainment, and other trade and business on international commercial and transactional law, intellectual property, data protection, corporate and immigration law.

Clemens Kochinke
MCL, Attorney-at-Law
Clemens Kochinke ist Managing Partner in Washington, DC, wo er über
Jahrzehnte eine auf internationale Mandanten ausgerichtete Kanzlei mit
Spezialisten für IT-, IP-, Exportkontroll-, Staats- und Völker- sowie
Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und die Abwehr von Klagen aufgebaut hat. Globale
Konzerne zählen wie Botschaften und Startups zu seinen Mandanten. Er
führt das German American Law Journal online unter
fort und erklärt in Fachbüchern und -zeitschriften neue Gesetze sowie
Entscheidungen amerikanischer Gerichte.

Dr. Alexander H. Rahn, LL.M.

Manuel P. “Manny” Schoenhuber
Manuel Schoenhuber is a dispute resolution attorney with the international law practice group of Jackson Walker, LLP in Texas. He works closely with European companies and their subsidiaries in Texas, as well as with European investors in the United States. Manny also acts as outside general counsel for his European clients. After a short career as a German professional soccer player, he moved to the US to study business management. He earned his Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the University of Houston Law Center.

Dr. Kai Westerwelle
Dr. Kai Westerwelle is a partner at the international law firm CMS in their Mountain View / California representative office. For more than 25 years, Kai has been advising US companies and high-growth start-ups, first in Germany and as of 2014 in Silicon Valley and San Francisco. His expertise focuses on international legal topics, particularly tech transactions, international expansion projects to Europe / EEA, the UK, and Asia-Pacific as well as international privacy topics, including global incident response. Kai is the Chairman of the German-American Business Association, regularly speaks at international conferences, and lectures data privacy at Universities in Germany and the US.