02.12.2020 | Online Panel
In the wake of serious scandals at German companies such as Siemens and VW, the U.S. Department of Justice imposed a government-selected monitor to oversee remedial efforts across the organization. As more multinationals wrestle with a global uptick in pandemic-related fraud and misconduct, former members of the DOJ-appointed VW monitorship team have shared valuable insights into avoiding and best-managing a government-appointed monitor.
Through practical examples and anonymized case studies, the speakers have covered the following topics:
— The regulatory landscape in Germany and around the world (including Entwurf Verbandsanktionen)
— Guidance from regulators worldwide on effective compliance programs
— How to help your company or client with cross border operations establish and monitor an effective ethics and compliance program
— How to avoid a corporate compliance monitor
This webinar was held in English.
Julia Arbery is Managing Director by StoneTurn at Frankfurt am Main in Germany. She has more than 15 years of experience in ethics, compliance and corporate monitorships. She assists multinational corporations with the development and implementation of effective ethics and compliance programs and specializes in the establishment of whistleblower frameworks and investigative protocols that comply with global data privacy and protection regulations.
Most recently, Julia served on the Forensic Adviser team supporting the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)-Appointed Independent Compliance Monitor and Auditor of Volkswagen AG. In 2019, Julia co-founded the German Chapter of the Women’s White-Collar Defense Association (WWCDA) and is also a member of leading Germany-based compliance organizations, including DAJV, BCM and DICO.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BqpSDNDb3o&feature=youtu.be
Full Bio: https://stoneturn.com/who-we-are/our-people/julia-arbery/
Michele Edwards is Partner by StoneTurn in Chicago, Illinois. She has more than 20 years of combined experience in fraud and compliance risk management, monitoring, and auditing. Over the course of her career, she has assisted many Fortune 500 companies with building, assessing and remediating antifraud and compliance programs, including as part of corporate compliance monitorships. Most recently, Michele served as Chief of Staff and led the Independent Compliance Monitor and Auditor team appointed by the DOJ for Volkswagen AG, one of the largest and most high-profile corporate compliance monitorships in history.
Michele also has extensive experience conducting fraud risk assessments, fraud and compliance training, fraud detection and forensic investigations. Prior to StoneTurn, Michele spent 14 years at a Big 4 firm in the Forensic Services, Fraud Risk & Controls, and Audit practice. She is a Certified Public Accountant, licensed in the state of Illinois and currently serves as Co-Chair of the WWCDA Monitor/Receiver Subcommittee.
Full Bio: https://stoneturn.com/who-we-are/our-people/michele-edwards/
Dr. Olaf Christiansen is a Senior Vice President Corporate Legal Department – Integrity & Compliance at Bertelsmann as well as a Senior Vice President at RTL Group. In addition to his work he is member of several committees and president of DAJV.